Source code for storage_api.apis.common.auth

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (C) 2016, CERN
# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".
# In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
# granted to it by virtue of its status as Intergovernmental Organization
# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.

from storage_api import conf, apis

from functools import wraps
from typing import Any # noqa

from flask import session, current_app, url_for
import flask
from flask_oauthlib.client import OAuth


[docs]def setup_roles_from_env(app): """ Configure an application's roles from the environment. """"Loading authorisation config") [conf.set_auth_string(app, role) for role in USER_ROLES]
[docs]def setup_oauth(app, login_endpoint, logout_endpoint): """ Setup OAuth2 aunhentication flow for the app with logins initiated by going to login_endpoint, and logouts done in logout_endpoint. Must be called after the neccessary configuration options have been loaded into app.config. """ oauth = OAuth(app) callback_url_relative = app.config['OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL_RELATIVE'] groups_url = app.config['OAUTH_GROUPS_URL'] cern = oauth.remote_app( 'cern', consumer_key=app.config['OAUTH_CLIENT_ID'], consumer_secret=app.config['OAUTH_SECRET_KEY'], request_token_url=None, access_token_method='POST', access_token_url=app.config['OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL'], authorize_url=app.config['OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URL'], ) @app.route(login_endpoint) def login(): if app.debug: app.logger.warning("Failed login, but authenticating anyway as" " we are in dev mode") flask.session['user'] = {} flask.session['user']['roles'] = [USER_ROLE, ADMIN_ROLE, UBER_ADMIN_ROLE] return flask.redirect('/') return cern.authorize(callback=url_for('authorized', _external=True)) @app.route(callback_url_relative) def authorized(): # pragma: no cover resp = cern.authorized_response() if resp is None or resp.get('access_token') is None: return 'Access denied: reason=%s error=%s resp=%s' % ( flask.request.args['error'], flask.request.args['error_description'], resp ) flask.session['cern_token'] = (resp['access_token'], '')"Got authentication call-back from OAuth." " Proceeding to fetch groups...") response = cern.get(groups_url).data user_groups = set(response['groups']) flask.session['user'] = {} session_roles = [] app.logger.debug("OAuth reported the following groups: {}" .format(", ".join(['"{}"' .format(g) for g in user_groups]))) if not app.config['USER_GROUPS']:"No user groups configured, setting role USER") session_roles.append(USER_ROLE) for role in USER_ROLES: overlap = user_groups.intersection(app.config['{}_GROUPS' .format(role)]) if overlap:"User was in {} role groups {}, granting role" .format(role, ", ".join(overlap))) session_roles.append(getattr(apis.common, '{}_ROLE' .format(role))) else:"User was not in any {} role groups, denying" .format(role))"Setting user roles: {}" .format(", ".join(session_roles))) flask.session['user']['roles'] = session_roles return flask.redirect('/') @app.route(logout_endpoint) def logout(): # pragma: no cover"Current session data: {}".format(str(flask.session))) flask.session.pop('cern_token', None) flask.session.pop('user', None) return flask.redirect('/') @cern.tokengetter def get_cern_oauth_token(): return flask.session.get('cern_token')
[docs]def in_role(api, group_name): """ Decorator: call flask.abort(403) if user is not in the specified group, or if the session is unauthenticated. Args: api (flask_restplus.Api): The API to signal errors to etc group_name (str): A group name to check for membership in Example:: @in_group(api, group_name='it-db-storage') def get(self): pass """ def group_decorator(func): @wraps(func) @api.response(403, description=("Current user is not logged in or not" " a member of the role '{}'") .format(group_name), model=None) @api.doc(security=[{'sso': ['read', 'write']}]) def group_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): user = session.get('user', None) if not user: current_app.logger.error("User not authenticated at all!") if current_app.config['USER_IS_UNAUTHENTICATED'] and \ group_name == USER_ROLE:"Setting user role...") user = {} user['roles'] = set([USER_ROLE]) session.user = user else: api.abort(403, "The current user is not logged in!")"Testing if user is in group {}" .format(group_name)) if group_name in user.get('roles', []):"The user had role {}!" .format(group_name)) return func(*args, **kwargs) else: current_app.logger.error("Logged-in user did not have role {}" .format(group_name)) current_app.logger.debug("User had roles {}" .format(", " .join(user.get('roles', [])))) api.abort(403, "The user does not have the role {}" .format(group_name)) return group_wrapper return group_decorator