#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2016, CERN
# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".
# In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
# granted to it by virtue of its status as Intergovernmental Organization
# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
import storage_api.apis
from storage_api.apis.common.auth import in_role
from storage_api.apis.common import ADMIN_ROLE, UBER_ADMIN_ROLE, USER_ROLE
from storage_api.utils import dict_without, filter_none
import logging
import traceback
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import partial
import re
from flask_restplus import Namespace, Resource, fields, marshal
from flask import current_app
from netapp.api import APIError
api = Namespace('/',
description='Storage operations')
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
VOLUME_NAME_DESCRIPTION = ("The name of the volume. "
"Must not contain leading /. On NetApp back-ends,"
" this may either be the name of a volume, or"
" node_name:/junction/path.")
SUBSYSTEM_DESCRIPTION = "The subsystem to run the command on."
DISALLOWED_VOLUME_NAME_RE = re.compile(".*[^a-z0-9:/_\.-].*")
[docs]def exception_is_errorcode(api, exception, error_code, message=None):
Context to make sure all Exceptions of a given type calls an
api.abort with a suitable error and corresponding message.
If no message is passed, use str() on the exception.
except exception as e:
message = str(e) if message is None else message
api.abort(error_code, message)
keyerror_is_404 = partial(exception_is_errorcode, api=api,
exception=KeyError, error_code=404)
keyerror_is_400 = partial(exception_is_errorcode, api=api,
exception=KeyError, error_code=400)
valueerror_is_400 = partial(exception_is_errorcode, api=api,
exception=ValueError, error_code=400)
[docs]def backend(backend_name):
Return the actual backend object as given by backend_name. Has
to be a function due to the app context not being available
until later.
with exception_is_errorcode(api, KeyError, 404,
message=("No such subsystem. "
"Allowed values are: {}")
.format(", ".join(
instance_id = current_app.config['SUBSYSTEM'][backend_name]
return current_app.extensions[instance_id]
policy_rule_list_field = fields.List(fields.String(
volume_write_model = api.model('VolumeWrite', {
'autosize_enabled': fields.Boolean(),
'autosize_increment': fields.Integer(),
'max_autosize': fields.Integer(),
'active_policy_name': fields.String(min_length=1),
'percentage_snapshot_reserve': fields.Integer(),
'compression_enabled': fields.Boolean(),
'inline_compression': fields.Boolean(),
'caching_policy': fields.String(),
volume_create_model = api.inherit('VolumeCreate', volume_write_model, {
'name': fields.String(
description="The internal name of the volume",
'size_total': fields.Integer(
description=("The total size of the volume, "
" in bytes. If creating, the size"
" of the volume.")
'aggregate_name': fields.String(
min_length=1, required=False,
description=("If applicable, the"
" aggregate to place the volume in"
" (NetApp only). If not provided, will"
" use the one with the most free"
" space.")
'junction_path': fields.String(min_length=1),
volume_read_model = api.inherit('VolumeRead', volume_create_model, {
'size_used': fields.Integer(),
'uuid': fields.String(min_length=1),
'state': fields.String(min_length=1),
'filer_address': fields.String(min_length=1),
'creation_time': fields.DateTime(dt_format='rfc822'),
'percentage_snapshot_reserve_used': fields.Integer(),
lock_model = api.model('Lock', {
'host': fields.String(min_length=1, required=True,
export_policy_model = api.model('Export Policy', {
'name': fields.String(min_length=1,
'rules': policy_rule_list_field
snapshot_model = api.model('Snapshot', {
'name': fields.String(),
volume_create_w_snapshot_model = api.inherit(
description=("The snapshot name to create from/restore")
description=("When cloning a volume, use this volume"
" as basis for the snapshot to start"
" from"),
snapshot_put_model = api.model('SnapshotPut', {
'purge_old_if_needed': fields.Boolean(
description=("If `true`, purge the oldest snapshot iff necessary "
" to create a new one"))})
policy_rule_write_model = api.model('PolicyRule',
{'rules': policy_rule_list_field})
[docs]def handle_netapp_exception(error):
'''Return the error message from the filer and 500 status code'''
return_message = {'message': error.msg, "errno": error.errno}
if current_app.debug:
return_message['failing_query'] = str(error.failing_query)
return return_message, 500
[docs]def default_error_handler(error): # pragma: no cover
return {'message': str(error)}, getattr(error, 'code', 500)
@api.param('subsystem', SUBSYSTEM_DESCRIPTION)
[docs]class AllVolumes(Resource):
@api.doc(description="Get a list of all volumes",
@api.marshal_with(volume_read_model, as_list=True)
@in_role(api, USER_ROLE)
[docs] def get(self, subsystem):
return backend(subsystem).volumes
@in_role(api, USER_ROLE)
@api.param('subsystem', SUBSYSTEM_DESCRIPTION)
@api.param('volume_name', VOLUME_NAME_DESCRIPTION)
[docs]class Volume(Resource):
description="The volume named volume_name")
@api.doc(description="Get a specific volume by name")
@api.response(404, description="No such volume exists")
@api.response(201, description="A new volume was created")
@in_role(api, USER_ROLE)
def get(self, subsystem, volume_name):
log.info("GET for {}".format(volume_name))
if DISALLOWED_VOLUME_NAME_RE.match(volume_name):
api.abort(400, "Invalid volume name")
with keyerror_is_404():
return backend(subsystem).get_volume(volume_name)
description=("Create a new volume with the given details. "
" If `from_snapshot` is a snapshot and `volume_name`"
" already refers to an existing volume, roll back "
"that volume to that snapshot. If `from_snapshot` "
"is a snapshot, `from_volume` is an existing volume "
"and `volume_name` doesn't already exist, create a "
"clone of `from_volume` named `volume_name`, in the "
"state at `from_snapshot`."))
@api.expect(volume_create_w_snapshot_model, validate=True)
description=("The newly created volume"
" (if created), otherwise nothing"))
@in_role(api, ADMIN_ROLE)
def post(self, subsystem, volume_name):
if DISALLOWED_VOLUME_NAME_RE.match(volume_name):
api.abort(400, "Invalid volume name")
data = marshal(storage_api.apis.api.payload,
if data['from_volume'] and data['from_snapshot']:
with keyerror_is_404(), valueerror_is_400():
new_vol = backend(subsystem).clone_volume(
elif data['from_snapshot']:
with keyerror_is_404():
new_vol = backend(subsystem).rollback_volume(
with valueerror_is_400(), keyerror_is_400():
new_vol = backend(subsystem).create_volume(
return new_vol, 201
@api.doc(description=("Restrict the volume named *volume_name*"
" but do not actually delete it"))
@api.response(204, description="Successfully restricted",
@in_role(api, UBER_ADMIN_ROLE)
def delete(self, subsystem, volume_name):
if DISALLOWED_VOLUME_NAME_RE.match(volume_name):
api.abort(400, "Invalid volume name")
with keyerror_is_404():
return '', 204
@api.doc(description="Partially update volume_name")
@api.expect(volume_write_model, validate=True)
@in_role(api, UBER_ADMIN_ROLE)
def patch(self, subsystem, volume_name):
if DISALLOWED_VOLUME_NAME_RE.match(volume_name):
api.abort(400, "Invalid volume name")
data = filter_none(marshal(storage_api.apis.api.payload,
log.info("PATCH with payload {}".format(str(data)))
if data:
with keyerror_is_404():
backend(subsystem).patch_volume(volume_name, **data)
raise api.abort(400, "No PATCH data provided!")
@api.param('subsystem', SUBSYSTEM_DESCRIPTION)
@api.param('volume_name', VOLUME_NAME_DESCRIPTION)
[docs]class AllSnapshots(Resource):
description="All snapshots for the volume",
[docs] def get(self, subsystem, volume_name):
if DISALLOWED_VOLUME_NAME_RE.match(volume_name):
api.abort(400, "Invalid volume name")
return backend(subsystem).get_snapshots(volume_name)
@api.param('subsystem', SUBSYSTEM_DESCRIPTION)
@api.param('volume_name', VOLUME_NAME_DESCRIPTION)
@api.param('snapshot_name', 'The snapshot name')
[docs]class Snapshots(Resource):
@api.doc(description="Get the current information for a given snapshot")
[docs] def get(self, subsystem, volume_name, snapshot_name):
if DISALLOWED_VOLUME_NAME_RE.match(volume_name):
api.abort(400, "Invalid volume name")
with keyerror_is_404():
return backend(subsystem).get_snapshot(volume_name, snapshot_name)
@api.response(409, description=("Too many snapshots, cannot create"
" another. Try"
" `purge_old_if_needed=true`."))
@api.response(201, description="Successfully created a snapshot")
@api.doc(description=("Create a new snapshot of *volume_name*"
" under *snapshot_name*"))
[docs] def post(self, subsystem, volume_name, snapshot_name):
if DISALLOWED_VOLUME_NAME_RE.match(volume_name):
api.abort(400, "Invalid volume name")
log.info("Creating snapshot {} for volume {}"
.format(snapshot_name, volume_name))
with keyerror_is_404(), valueerror_is_400():
backend(subsystem).create_snapshot(volume_name, snapshot_name)
return '', 201
@api.doc(description=("Delete the snapshot"))
@api.response(204, description="Successfully deleted",
@api.response(404, description="No such snapshot",
@in_role(api, ADMIN_ROLE)
[docs] def delete(self, subsystem, volume_name, snapshot_name):
if DISALLOWED_VOLUME_NAME_RE.match(volume_name):
api.abort(400, "Invalid volume name")
with keyerror_is_404():
backend(subsystem).delete_snapshot(volume_name, snapshot_name)
return '', 204
@api.param('subsystem', SUBSYSTEM_DESCRIPTION)
@api.param('volume_name', VOLUME_NAME_DESCRIPTION)
@api.doc(description="Get the host locking the volume, if any")
[docs]class AllLocks(Resource):
@api.marshal_with(lock_model, as_list=True,
description=("An empty list (if no locks were"
" held) or a single dict describing the"
" host holding the lock"))
@in_role(api, USER_ROLE)
[docs] def get(self, subsystem, volume_name):
if DISALLOWED_VOLUME_NAME_RE.match(volume_name):
api.abort(400, "Invalid volume name")
with keyerror_is_404():
mby_lock = backend(subsystem).locks(volume_name)
return [] if mby_lock is None else [{"host": mby_lock}]
@api.param('subsystem', SUBSYSTEM_DESCRIPTION)
@api.param('volume_name', VOLUME_NAME_DESCRIPTION)
@api.param('host', "the host holding the lock in question")
[docs]class Locks(Resource):
@api.doc(description="Lock the volume with host holding the lock")
@api.response(201, "A new lock was added")
@in_role(api, ADMIN_ROLE)
[docs] def put(self, subsystem, volume_name, host):
if DISALLOWED_VOLUME_NAME_RE.match(volume_name):
api.abort(400, "Invalid volume name")
with valueerror_is_400(), keyerror_is_404():
backend(subsystem).create_lock(volume_name, host)
return '', 201
@api.doc(description="Force the lock for the host")
@api.response(204, description="Lock successfully forced")
@in_role(api, UBER_ADMIN_ROLE)
[docs] def delete(self, subsystem, volume_name, host):
if DISALLOWED_VOLUME_NAME_RE.match(volume_name):
api.abort(400, "Invalid volume name")
with keyerror_is_404():
backend(subsystem).remove_lock(volume_name, host)
return '', 204
@api.param('subsystem', SUBSYSTEM_DESCRIPTION)
[docs]class AllExports(Resource):
description="The full policy",
@api.doc(description="Get all ACLs present on the back-end")
@in_role(api, ADMIN_ROLE)
[docs] def get(self, subsystem):
return backend(subsystem).policies
@api.param('subsystem', SUBSYSTEM_DESCRIPTION)
@api.param('policy', "The policy to operate on")
[docs]class Export(Resource):
description="Get the rules of a specific policy")
@api.doc(description="Display the rules of a given policy")
@in_role(api, ADMIN_ROLE)
[docs] def get(self, subsystem, policy):
with keyerror_is_404():
rules = backend(subsystem).get_policy(policy)
return {'name': policy,
'rules': rules}
@api.doc(description=("Grant hosts matching"
" a given pattern access to the given volume"))
@api.response(201, description="The provided access rules were added")
@api.response(400, description="A policy with that name already exists")
@api.expect(policy_rule_write_model, validate=True)
@in_role(api, ADMIN_ROLE)
[docs] def post(self, subsystem, policy):
rules = marshal(storage_api.apis.api.payload,
with keyerror_is_404(), valueerror_is_400():
backend(subsystem).create_policy(policy, rules)
return '', 201
@api.doc(description=("Delete the entire policy"))
@api.response(204, description="Successfully deleted the policy")
@api.response(404, description="No such policy exists")
@in_role(api, ADMIN_ROLE)
[docs] def delete(self, subsystem, policy):
with keyerror_is_404():
return '', 204
@api.param('subsystem', SUBSYSTEM_DESCRIPTION)
@api.param('policy', "The policy to operate on")
@api.param('rule', "The policy rule to operate on")
[docs]class ExportRule(Resource):
@api.doc(description="Grant hosts matching a given pattern access")
@api.response(201, description=("The provided access rule"
" was added or already present"))
@in_role(api, ADMIN_ROLE)
[docs] def put(self, subsystem, policy, rule):
backend(subsystem).ensure_policy_rule_present(policy, rule)
return '', 201
@api.doc(description=("Delete rule from policy"))
@api.response(204, description=("Successfully deleted the rule,"
" or rule did not exist"))
@api.response(404, description="No such policy exists")
@in_role(api, ADMIN_ROLE)
[docs] def delete(self, subsystem, policy, rule):
backend(subsystem).ensure_policy_rule_absent(policy, rule)
return '', 204