Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (C) 2016, CERN
# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".
# In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
# granted to it by virtue of its status as Intergovernmental Organization
# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.

This is a generalised back-end for storage systems.

In general, methods are expected to raise KeyErrors on 404-type errors
(e.g. something not found), and ValueErrors on invalid input. In both
cases, reasonable descriptions of what went wrong should be included,
and -- if possible -- suggestions on how to fix the situation.
from storage_api.utils import merge_two_dicts

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import logging
from contextlib import contextmanager
import functools
from typing import Dict, Any
import re

from ordered_set import OrderedSet
import cerberus
import flask
import netapp.api

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
SCHEMAS = [('volume', {
    'name': {'type': 'string', 'minlength': 1,
             'required': True},

    'uuid': {'type': 'string', 'minlength': 1,
             'required': False},
    'active_policy_name': {'type': 'string', 'minlength': 1,
                           'required': False},
    'junction_path': {'type': 'string', 'minlength': 1,
                      'required': False},
    'aggregate_name': {'type': 'string', 'minlength': 1,
                       'required': False},
    'state': {'type': 'string', 'minlength': 1,
              'required': False},
    'size_used': {'type': 'integer', 'min': 0,
                  'required': True},
    'size_total': {'type': 'integer', 'min': 0,
                   'required': True},
    'filer_address': {'type': 'string', 'minlength': 1,
                      'required': True},
    'creation_time': {'type': 'datetime',
                      'required': False},
    'compression_enabled': {'type': 'boolean',
                            'required': False},
    'inline_compression': {'type': 'boolean',
                           'required': False},
    'percentage_snapshot_reserve': {'type': 'integer',
                                    'required': False},
    'percentage_snapshot_reserve_used': {'type': 'integer',
                                         'required': False},
    'caching_policy': {'type': 'string',
                       'required': False,
                       'nullable': True},


[docs]class ValidationError(Exception): """ An Exception raised when a return value fails to pass its schema validation. """ pass
[docs]def vol_404(volume_name: str) -> str: return "No such volume: {}".format(volume_name)
[docs]def validate_value(v: cerberus.Validator, value: Dict[str, Any]): validation_result = v.validate(value, normalize=True) if not validation_result: raise ValidationError(v.errors) # pragma: no cover else: return v.normalized(value)
[docs]def normalised_with(schema_name: str, allow_unknown: bool=False, as_list: bool=False): """ A decorator to normalise and validate the return values of a function according to a schema. If as_list is True, validate and normalise each entry in the returned list. Raises a ValidationError if the schema was not correctly validated. """ def validator_decorator(func): @functools.wraps(func) def inner_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): schema = cerberus.schema_registry.get(name=schema_name) v = cerberus.Validator(schema, allow_unknown=allow_unknown) return_value = func(*args, **kwargs) if as_list: if isinstance(return_value, str): raise ValidationError("Expected a list!") try: return [validate_value(v, x) for x in return_value] except TypeError: # pragma: no cover raise ValidationError("Expected a list!") else: return validate_value(v, return_value) return inner_wrapper return validator_decorator
[docs]def patch_and_diff(previous, new): """ Replace all keys in previous with their values in new, returning a list of keys for which the values changed and the updated previous. """ changed_keys = [] for k, v in new.items(): if k in previous: if previous[k] != v: previous[k] = v changed_keys.append(k) else: previous[k] = v changed_keys.append(k) return changed_keys, previous
[docs]def annotate_exception(exception, annotation): """ Context manager to annotate a particular type of exception with a descriptive text. Example: ``` with annotate_exception(KeyError, "no such item!"): a = foo['key'] ``` """ try: yield except exception: raise exception(annotation)
[docs]class StorageBackend(metaclass=ABCMeta): def __repr__(self): return "{}({})".format(type(self).__name__, str(self.__dict__)) @property @abstractmethod def volumes(self): """ Return all active and usable volumes of the storage backend as a list of dictionaries (see get_volume() for their format). Read-only property. """ return NotImplemented @abstractmethod
[docs] def get_volume(self, volume_name): """ Return (the data for) a specific volume as a dictionary with (at least) the following elements: - name - size_used - size_total - filer_address Back-ends are allowed to add implementation-specific elements. Raises: KeyError: if no such volume exists """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def restrict_volume(self, volume_name): """ Restrict or delete a volume. This will cause it to not appear in volumes or get_volume(), as if the volume never existed. What action is actually performed is platform-dependent, but should be semantically as close to a delete operation as possible. Notably, there is no guarantee that it is possible to create a new volume with the same name as a recently deleted volume. """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def patch_volume(self, volume_name, **data): """ Update a volume with data from **data. Raises: ValueError: on poorly formatted data, or invalid data entries/attempts to write to read-only fields KeyError: if no volume named volume_name exists. """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def create_volume(self, volume_name, **fields): """ Create a new volume with a given name and the provided data fields. `fields` can be at least: - size_total Raises: ValueError: if the data is malformed KeyError: if the volume already exists Returns: The created volume. Back-ends are allowed to add implementation-specific elements. """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def locks(self, volume_name): """ Return the string naming the host currently holding a lock on the volume named volume_name, or None if there were no locks. Raises: KeyError: if no such volume exists """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def create_lock(self, volume_name, host_owner): """ Install a lock held by the host host_owner on the given volume. Raises: ValueError: if a lock is already held on that volume by another host KeyError: if no such volume exists """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def remove_lock(self, volume_name, host_owner): """ Remove/break/force the lock on a volume, if held by host_owner. Does nothing if no locks were held on volume_name, or if the lock wasn't held by host_owner. Raises: KeyError: if no such volume exists """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def policies(self): """ Return a list of export policies for the given back-end, as a list of name/value tuples. Example:: ["my_policy", ["", ""]] Notably, no policies would yield []. The interpretation of these values are up to the implementation, but it can be assumed that no policies is not the same thing as a policy with no rules. Raises: KeyError: if no such volume exists """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def get_policy(self, policy_name): """ Return a (potentially empty) list of export policies in the form of strings representing IP numbers, with possible masks associated with the given policy. Raises: KeyError: if volume_name does not exist or does not have a policy named policy_name """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def set_policy(self, volume_name, policy_name): """ Set a policy Raises: KeyError: if volume_name does not exist ValueError: if policy_name does not exist """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def create_policy(self, policy_name, rules): """ Add a new policy with a set of rules to a given volume Raises: ValueError: if there is already a policy with that name """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def remove_policy(self, policy_name): """ Remove a policy. After removal, it must be possible to create a new policy with the same name. Raises: KeyError: if no such volume or policy exists """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def clone_volume(self, clone_volume_name, from_volume_name, from_snapshot_name): """ Create a clone of a volume from a provided snapshot. Raises: KeyError: if no such volume or snapshot exists ValueError: if clone_volume_name already exists """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def create_snapshot(self, volume_name, snapshot_name): """ Make a snapshot from the current state of a volume. Raises: KeyError: if no volume named volume_name exists ValueError: if there is already a snapshot named snapshot_name, or if the name is invalid. """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def get_snapshot(self, volume_name, snapshot_name): """ Get the data associated with the snapshot. Back-ends are allowed to add additional keys. Raises: KeyError: if no such volume or snapshot exists """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def delete_snapshot(self, volume_name, snapshot_name): """ Delete, or the closest possible equivalent, a given snapshot. Raises: KeyError: if no such volume or snapshot exists """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def get_snapshots(self, volume_name): """ Return a list of snapshots for volume_name. Raises: KeyError: if no such volume exists. """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def rollback_volume(self, volume_name, restore_snapshot_name): """ Roll back a volume to a snapshot. Raises: KeyError: if volume_name does not exist or does not have a snapshot named restore_snapshot_name. """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def ensure_policy_rule_present(self, policy_name, rule): """ Idempotently ensure that a given export policy (as represented by an IP with optional mask) is present in the rules of a given policy. If it is not present it will be added. Raises: KeyError: if no such policy exists. """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def ensure_policy_rule_absent(self, policy_name, rule): """ Idempotently ensure that a given export policy (as represented by an IP with optional mask) is absent in the rules of a given policy. Will delete it if present, otherwise give no warning. Raises: KeyError: if no such policy exists. """ return NotImplemented
[docs] def init_app(self, app: flask.Flask, endpoint): """ Initialise a Flask app context with the storage system. Args: app (flask.Flask): The application to install the storage system back-end in endpoint (str): The API endpoint to mount the back-end at. Example:: app = Flask(__name__) netapp = NetAppStorage() netapp.init_app(app=app, endpoint="netapp") """ if not hasattr(app, 'extensions'): # pragma: no coverage app.extensions = {} class_name = self.__class__.__name__ instance_id = "{}_{}".format(class_name, endpoint)"Initialising storage back-end {}".format(class_name)) app.extensions[instance_id] = self app.config['SUBSYSTEM'][endpoint] = instance_id
[docs]class DummyStorage(StorageBackend): """ This is a dummy storage back-end meant for testing. It will persist data given to it in RAM and follow the standard API provided by the base class above, but that is about it. """
[docs] def raise_if_volume_absent(self, volume_name: str): """ Raise a `KeyError` with an appropriate message if a volume is absent. """ if volume_name not in self.vols: raise KeyError(vol_404(volume_name))
[docs] def raise_if_snapshot_absent(self, volume_name: str, snapshot_name: str): """ Raise a `KeyError` with an appropriate message if a snapshot is absent. This implies first running `raise_if_volume absent(volume_name)`. """ self.raise_if_volume_absent(volume_name) if snapshot_name not in self.snapshots_store[volume_name]: raise KeyError("No such snapshot exists for volume '{}': '{}'" .format(volume_name, snapshot_name))
def __init__(self): self.vols = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] self.locks_store = {} # type: Dict[str, str] self.rules_store = {} # type: Dict[str, str] self.snapshots_store = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[str]]] self.policies_store = {} # type: Dict[str, List[str]] @property def volumes(self): return self._volumes() @normalised_with('volume', as_list=True) def _volumes(self): return list(self.vols.values()) @normalised_with('volume', allow_unknown=True)
[docs] def get_volume(self, volume_name):"Trying to get volume {}".format(volume_name)) with annotate_exception(KeyError, vol_404(volume_name)): return self.vols[volume_name]
[docs] def restrict_volume(self, volume_name):"Restricting volume {}".format(volume_name)) with annotate_exception(KeyError, vol_404(volume_name)): self.vols.pop(volume_name) self.locks_store.pop(volume_name, None) self.rules_store.pop(volume_name, None) self.snapshots_store.pop(volume_name, None)
[docs] def patch_volume(self, volume_name, **data):"Updating volume {} with data {}" .format(volume_name, data)) for key in data: with annotate_exception(KeyError, vol_404(volume_name)): self.vols[volume_name][key] = data[key]
[docs] def create_volume(self, volume_name, **kwargs):"Adding new volume '{}': {}" .format(volume_name, str(kwargs))) if volume_name in self.vols: raise KeyError("Volume {} already exists!".format(volume_name)) size_total = kwargs.get('size_total', None) filer_address = kwargs.get('filer_address', None) data = {'name': str(volume_name), 'size_used': 0, 'size_total': 0 if size_total is None else size_total, 'filer_address': "dummy-filer" if filer_address is None else filer_address} self.vols[volume_name] = data self.locks_store.pop(volume_name, None) self.snapshots_store[volume_name] = {} return self.vols[volume_name]
[docs] def locks(self, volume_name): self.raise_if_volume_absent(volume_name) if volume_name not in self.locks_store: return None else: return self.locks_store[volume_name]
[docs] def create_lock(self, volume_name, host_owner): self.raise_if_volume_absent(volume_name)"Host_Owner {} is locking {}".format(host_owner, volume_name)) if volume_name in self.locks_store and\ self.locks_store[volume_name] != host_owner: raise ValueError("{} is already locked by {}!" .format(volume_name, self.locks_store[volume_name])) self.locks_store[volume_name] = host_owner
[docs] def remove_lock(self, volume_name, host_owner): self.raise_if_volume_absent(volume_name) with annotate_exception(KeyError, vol_404(volume_name)): if host_owner == self.locks_store[volume_name]: self.locks_store.pop(volume_name)
@property def policies(self): return [{'name': name, 'rules': rules} for name, rules in self.rules_store.items()]
[docs] def get_policy(self, policy_name): return self.rules_store[policy_name]
[docs] def set_policy(self, volume_name, policy_name): self.raise_if_volume_absent(volume_name) if policy_name not in self.rules_store: raise ValueError("No such policy: {}".format(policy_name)) self.vols[volume_name]['active_policy_name'] = policy_name
[docs] def create_policy(self, policy_name, rules):"Adding policy {} with rules {}" .format(policy_name, rules)) self.rules_store[policy_name] = list(OrderedSet(rules))
[docs] def remove_policy(self, policy_name):"Removing policy {}" .format(policy_name)) self.rules_store.pop(policy_name)
[docs] def clone_volume(self, clone_volume_name, from_volume_name, from_snapshot_name):"Cloning volume {target} from {source}:{snapshot}" .format(target=clone_volume_name, source=from_volume_name, snapshot=from_snapshot_name)) self.raise_if_snapshot_absent(from_volume_name, from_snapshot_name) if clone_volume_name in self.vols: raise ValueError("Name already in use!") with annotate_exception(KeyError, vol_404(from_volume_name)): self.vols[clone_volume_name] = self.vols[from_volume_name]
[docs] def create_snapshot(self, volume_name, snapshot_name):"Creating snapshot {}:{}".format(volume_name, snapshot_name)) with annotate_exception(KeyError, vol_404(volume_name)): self.snapshots_store[volume_name][snapshot_name] = { 'name': snapshot_name}
[docs] def get_snapshot(self, volume_name, snapshot_name):"Fetching snapshot {}:{}".format(volume_name, snapshot_name)) self.raise_if_snapshot_absent(volume_name, snapshot_name) return self.snapshots_store[volume_name][snapshot_name]
[docs] def delete_snapshot(self, volume_name, snapshot_name):"Deleting {} on {}".format(snapshot_name, volume_name)) self.raise_if_snapshot_absent(volume_name, snapshot_name) self.snapshots_store[volume_name].pop(snapshot_name)
[docs] def get_snapshots(self, volume_name):"Getting snapshots for {}".format(volume_name)) self.raise_if_volume_absent(volume_name) return list(self.snapshots_store[volume_name].values())
[docs] def rollback_volume(self, volume_name, restore_snapshot_name):"Restoring '{}' to '{}'" .format(volume_name, restore_snapshot_name)) self.raise_if_snapshot_absent(volume_name, restore_snapshot_name)
[docs] def ensure_policy_rule_present(self, policy_name, rule): if rule not in self.rules_store[policy_name]: self.rules_store[policy_name].append(rule)
[docs] def ensure_policy_rule_absent(self, policy_name, rule): stored_rules = self.rules_store[policy_name] self.rules_store[policy_name] = list(filter( lambda x: x != rule, stored_rules))
[docs]class NetappStorage(StorageBackend): """ A Back-end for a NetApp storage system. """ def __init__(self, hostname, username, password, vserver, timeout_s=4): """ Initialise a NetApp back-end """ self.server = netapp.api.Server(hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password, vserver=vserver, timeout_s=timeout_s) import requests # FIXME: implement proper certificates, Miro! requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings()
[docs] def format_volume(self, v): return merge_two_dicts( v.__dict__, {'size_total': v.size_total_bytes, 'size_used': v.size_used_bytes, 'filer_address': v.node_name, 'aggregate_name': v.containing_aggregate_name})
[docs] def format_policy(self, p): return {'name':, 'rules': [r[1] for r in p.rules]}
[docs] def name_from_path(self, junction_path): """ 'Resolve' a junction path to a proper volume name. Raises KeyError if there was no such volume. """ vols = self.server.volumes.filter(junction_path=junction_path) try: volume = next(vols) except StopIteration: raise KeyError(junction_path) return
[docs] def node_junction_path(self, volume_name): """ Convert a "volume_name" parameter to a node name and junction path. Returns: a tuple of `(node, junction path)`. If the string does not adhere to the format, it is assumed to contain only the junction path and the returned node is None. """ try: node, junction_path = volume_name.split(":") return node, junction_path except ValueError:"{} does not follow naming" " convention node:junction_path, assume name." .format(volume_name)) return None, volume_name
[docs] def parse_volume_name(self, volume_name_or_node_path): """ Parse a volume name on the format name, or node:junction_path, always returning a unique name. """ node, junction_path = self.node_junction_path(volume_name_or_node_path) if node is None: # Name did not follow name:junction_path convention. Assume name. return junction_path else: return self.name_from_path(junction_path)
@property def volumes(self): """ Explicitly ignores volumes belonging to aggr0 and volumes that are restricted. """ return [self.format_volume(v) for v in self.server.volumes if not re.match("^aggr0.*", v.containing_aggregate_name) and not v.state == 'restricted'] @normalised_with('volume', allow_unknown=True)
[docs] def get_volume(self, volume_name): node, junction_path = self.node_junction_path(volume_name) try: if node is not None: volume = next(self.server.volumes.filter( junction_path=junction_path, node=node)) else: # Just a name was provided, not a node:junction_path volume_name = junction_path volume = self.server.volumes.single(volume_name=volume_name) except (StopIteration, IndexError): with annotate_exception(KeyError, vol_404(volume_name)): raise KeyError return self.format_volume(volume)
[docs] def get_policy(self, policy_name): if policy_name not in [ for p in self.server.export_policies]: raise KeyError("No such policy exists: '{}'".format(policy_name)) rules = [r[1] for r in self.server.export_rules_of(policy_name)] return rules
[docs] def set_policy(self, volume_name, policy_name): volume_name = self.parse_volume_name(volume_name) self.server.set_volume_export_policy(volume_name=volume_name, policy_name=policy_name)
[docs] def get_snapshots(self, volume_name): volume_name = self.parse_volume_name(volume_name) return [{'name': s} for s in self.server.snapshots_of(volume_name)]
@property def policies(self): return [self.format_policy(p) for p in self.server.export_policies]
[docs] def locks(self, volume_name): volume_name = self.parse_volume_name(volume_name) ls = [l.client_address for l in self.server.locks_on(volume_name)] if not ls: return None else: return ls
[docs] def clone_volume(self, clone_volume_name, from_volume_name, from_snapshot_name): junction_path = self.get_volume(clone_volume_name)['junction_path'] self.server.clone_volume(from_volume_name, clone_volume_name, junction_path, from_snapshot_name)
[docs] def create_snapshot(self, volume_name, snapshot_name): _node, junction_path = self.node_junction_path(volume_name) volume_name = self.name_from_path(junction_path) self.server.create_snapshot(volume_name, snapshot_name)
[docs] def get_snapshot(self, volume_name, snapshot_name): volume_name = self.parse_volume_name(volume_name) snapshots = self.get_snapshots(volume_name) for snapshot in snapshots: if snapshot['name'] == snapshot_name: return snapshot raise ValueError("No such snapshot {}".format(snapshot_name))
[docs] def remove_policy(self, policy_name): try: self.server.delete_export_policy(policy_name) except netapp.api.APIError as e: if e.errno == 15661: raise KeyError("Policy doesn't exist: '{}'" .format(policy_name)) else: raise e
[docs] def create_policy(self, policy_name, rules): self.server.create_export_policy(policy_name, rules=rules)
[docs] def delete_snapshot(self, volume_name, snapshot_name): volume_name = self.parse_volume_name(volume_name) try: self.server.delete_snapshot(volume_name, snapshot_name) except netapp.api.APIError as e: if e.errno == 15661: raise KeyError("No such snapshot {}".format(snapshot_name)) else: raise e
[docs] def rollback_volume(self, volume_name, restore_snapshot_name): volume_name = self.parse_volume_name(volume_name) self.get_snapshot(volume_name, restore_snapshot_name) self.server.rollback_volume_from_snapshot(volume_name, restore_snapshot_name)
[docs] def ensure_policy_rule_present(self, policy_name, rule): rules = [r for _i, r in self.server.export_rules_of(policy_name)] if rule not in rules: self.server.add_export_rule(policy_name, rule)
[docs] def ensure_policy_rule_absent(self, policy_name, rule): for index, stored_rule in self.server.export_rules_of(policy_name): if rule == stored_rule: self.server.remove_export_rule(policy_name, index) break
@normalised_with('volume', allow_unknown=True)
[docs] def create_volume(self, volume_name, **fields): """ Important note: the volume "name" for NetApp is either a name, or a node name and junction path separated by colon. Please note that the node name is ignored, as the user cannot set the node name on creation. If creating a volume from a junction path, an *actual* name must be provided as a data field ('name') (and vice versa -- if creating with a name, junction path must be provided). """ # Fixme: optionally include autosize_enabled etc node, junction_path = self.node_junction_path(volume_name) if node: log.warning("Ignoring provided node name '{}' for volume creation" .format(node)) if node is None: # Only name was given, get junction path from fields volume_name = junction_path junction_path = fields.get('junction_path', None) else: volume_name = fields.get('name', None) if not volume_name: raise ValueError("Must provide a volume name for NetApp back-ends") if not junction_path: raise ValueError("Must provide a junction path for NetApp") if not fields.get('size_total', None): raise ValueError("Must provide size_total for NetApp!") aggregate_name = None snapshot_reserve = fields.get('percentage_snapshot_reserve', None) compression = fields.get('compression_enabled', None) inline_compression = fields.get('inline_compression', None) export_policy_name = fields.get('active_policy_name', None) # None-patch the keys with default values. # This is needed, because the front-end gives us None if no # value was provided by the user. if snapshot_reserve is None: snapshot_reserve = 0 if compression is None: compression = True if inline_compression is None: inline_compression = True if fields.get('aggregate_name', None): aggregate_name = fields['aggregate_name'] log.debug("Using provided aggregate {}".format(aggregate_name)) else:"Aggregate not provided," " using the one with the most free space...") # sorted sorts ascending by default. aggregates = sorted(self.server.aggregates, key=lambda a: a.bytes_available, reverse=True) not_aggr0 = functools.partial(re.compile("(?!^aggr0.*)").match) for aggregate in aggregates: if not_aggr0( aggregate_name ="Picked aggregate {} for {}" .format(aggregate_name, volume_name)) break else:"Skipping aggregate {} because it is aggr0" .format( assert aggregate_name, "Could not find a suitable aggregate!" try: self.server.create_volume( name=volume_name, size_bytes=fields['size_total'], junction_path=junction_path, percentage_snapshot_reserve=snapshot_reserve, compression=compression, inline_compression=inline_compression, export_policy_name=export_policy_name, aggregate_name=aggregate_name) return self.format_volume( self.server.volumes.single(volume_name=volume_name)) except netapp.api.APIError as e: if e.errno == 17: raise KeyError("Volume {} already exists!".format(volume_name)) else: raise e
[docs] def create_lock(self, volume_name, host_owner): # There doesn't seem to be any way of implementing this. :( return NotImplemented
[docs] def remove_lock(self, volume_name, host_owner): volume_name = self.parse_volume_name(volume_name) self.server.break_lock(volume_name, host_owner)
[docs] def patch_volume(self, volume_name, **data): previous = self.get_volume(volume_name) changed_keys, updated_volume = patch_and_diff(previous, data) # Autosize: autosize_key = re.compile('autosize').match if any(autosize_key(k) for k in changed_keys):"Updating autosize...") self.server.set_volume_autosize( previous['name'], max_size_bytes=updated_volume['max_autosize'], increment_bytes=updated_volume['autosize_increment'], autosize_enabled=updated_volume['autosize_enabled']) # Snapshot reserve space if 'percentage_snapshot_reserve' in changed_keys:"Updating snapshot reserve space...") self.server.set_volume_snapshot_reserve( previous['name'], reserve_percent=updated_volume['percentage_snapshot_reserve']) # Compression if any(re.match('compression', k) for k in changed_keys):"Updating compression...") self.server.set_compression( volume_name=previous['name'], enabled=updated_volume['compression_enabled'], inline=updated_volume['inline_compression']) # Active export policy if 'active_policy_name' in changed_keys:"Updating policy name...") self.server.set_volume_export_policy( previous['name'], policy_name=updated_volume['active_policy_name']) # Resize volume if 'size_total' in changed_keys:"Resizing volume...") self.server.resize_volume(volume_name=previous['name'], new_size=updated_volume['size_total']) # Caching policy if 'caching_policy' in changed_keys:"Setting caching policy...") self.server.set_volume_caching_policy( volume_name=previous['name'], policy_name=updated_volume['caching_policy'])
[docs] def restrict_volume(self, volume_name): name = self.parse_volume_name(volume_name) self.server.restrict_volume(name) for volume in self.server.volumes.filter(name=name): return self.format_volume(volume)
# I don't know if this does anything, but it may be necessary for, uh, # some reason? # StorageBackend.register(DummyStorage)