List setΒΆ

Example of using a list:set type

This section describes the rule

section_type = general
action = ['accept']
default_chain = INPUT
ip_version = both
interface = main
protocol = tcp,udp
set = list_set
set_directions = dst

This section describes the list set

section_type = ipset
ipset_type = list:set
set_name = ['list_set']
list_set_sections = ['new_set','static_dns_servers4']

This two sections describe the normal sets to be put inside the list set

section_type = ipset
ipset_type = hash:ip
set_name = ['admin_workstations_x']
set_ips_v4 = ['','','','','']
#set_hostnames = ['lxplus','pcthanos','syscontrol-dev','pcjcano2','kubernetes-node','kubernetes-master','agkara-train-2']
set_ips_v6 = ['2001:1458:201:e3::100:71e', '2001:1458:201:e3::100:6e', '2001:1458:201:a4::100:49', '2001:1458:201:e3::100:2f5']

section_type = ipset
ipset_type = hash:net
set_name = ['static_dns_servers4']
#set_ips_v4 = [',80', ',443', ',5550', ',6598']
#set_hostnames = ""
set_net_ranges_v4 = ""
#set_net_ranges_v6 = ""