Bidirectional RulesΒΆ

Example rule for INPUT and OUTPUT chains in one section

Sections without an ipset

section_type = general
action = ['accept','out','in']
ip_version = ipv6
interface = eth0
protocol = tcp
ports = 22:32

The section [essential_services] will create a kernel ipset called admin_workstations_x_v4 since its set to ipv4. The logic of the action is the following:

action = ['accept','out','in']

If the list has 3 elements it means that it will create two rules. One for INPUT and one for OUTPUT. Elements 2 and 3 define the ‘direction of the connection’. So the ‘out’,`’in’` means that new connections will be allowed initiating from an outside ip. This create two following rules.

/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m state --state **NEW,ESTABLISHED** -m multiport --dports 22,50 -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp -m state --state **ESTABLISHED** -j ACCEPT
section_type = general
action = ['accept','in','out']
ip_version = both
interface = main
protocol = tcp,udp

Sections with an ipset

section_type = general
action = ['accept','out','in']
ip_version = ipv4
interface = eth0
protocol = tcp
ports = 22,50
set = new_set

section_type = ipset
ipset_type = hash:ip
set_name = ['admin_workstations_x']
#set_ips_v4 = ['','','','','']
set_hostnames = ['lxplus','pcthanos','syscontrol-dev','pcjcano2','kubernetes-node','kubernetes-master','agkara-train-2']

The section [essential_services] will create a kernel ipset called admin_workstations_x_v4 since its set to ipv4. The logic of the action is the following:

action = ['accept','out','in']

If the list has 3 elements it means that it will create two rules. One for INPUT and one for OUTPUT. Elements 2 and 3 define the ‘direction of the connection’. So the ‘out’,`’in’` means that new connections will be allowed initiating from an outside ip. This create two following rules.

/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -m multiport --dports 22,50 -m set --match-set admin_workstations_x_v4 src -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp -m state --state ESTABLISHED -m set --match-set admin_workstations_x_v4 dst -j ACCEPT

So new connections are allowed from the outside inside.