Source code for storage_api.conf

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2016, CERN
# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".
# In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
# granted to it by virtue of its status as Intergovernmental Organization
# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.

from storage_api.utils import pairwise

import os
import csv
import io

# If you're not unicode ready, you're not ready, period.

[docs]def conf_to_dict(conf_list): # If the length of the configuration is uneven, keys don't match up. assert len(conf_list) % 2 == 0 return dict(pairwise(conf_list))
[docs]def load_backend_conf(app, backends_module): """ Initialise back-ends into the app app, using the provided module to get back-end classes. """ # Placeholder for back-end mappings: if 'SUBSYSTEM' not in app.config: app.config['SUBSYSTEM'] = {}"Loading back-end conf from ${}" .format(BACKENDS_VARIABLE_NAME)) conf = os.environ[BACKENDS_VARIABLE_NAME] backends = conf.split(BACKEND_SEPARATOR) for backend_conf in backends: conf = backend_conf.split(CONFIG_SEPARATOR) endpoint = conf[0] # This is the class itself: Backend = getattr(backends_module, conf[1]) conf_dict = conf_to_dict(conf[2:]) app.logger.debug("Back-end conf dict: {}".format(conf_dict)) backend = Backend(**conf_dict) backend.init_app(app, endpoint=endpoint)
[docs]def set_oauth_property(app, key_name, default_value=None): """ Helper: fetch an OAuth property named PROPRETY_NAME from an environment variable named SAPI_OAUTH_PROPERTY_NAME into a configuration field named OAUTH_PROPERTY_NAME. Raises KeyError if the variable is not set and no default value was passed. """ internal_key = 'OAUTH_{}'.format(key_name) env_key = 'SAPI_{}'.format(internal_key) if not default_value and env_key not in os.environ: raise KeyError("${} not set!".format(env_key)) app.config[internal_key] = os.getenv(env_key, default_value) app.logger.debug("Set OAuth configuration key {} from {}" .format(internal_key, env_key))
[docs]def load_oauth_conf(app): """ Load the OAuth configuration options from the environment and insert it into the app's conf dict. """"Loading OAuth configuration keys...") set_oauth_property(app, 'CLIENT_ID') set_oauth_property(app, 'SECRET_KEY') set_oauth_property(app, 'ACCESS_TOKEN_URL', '') set_oauth_property(app, 'AUTHORIZE_URL', '') set_oauth_property(app, 'GROUPS_URL', '') set_oauth_property(app, 'CALLBACK_URL_RELATIVE', '/oauth-done')
[docs]def set_auth_string(app, role_name): """ Read and parse the comma-separated list of groups for a given role from the environment variable $SAPI_ROLE_X_GROUPS into the app configuration key X_GROUPS, as a set. """ role_name = role_name.upper() key_name = "{}_GROUPS".format(role_name) env_var_name = "SAPI_ROLE_{}".format(key_name) group_string = os.getenv(env_var_name, "") if not group_string: group_data = set() else: group_data = set(*csv.reader(io.StringIO(group_string), delimiter=",")) app.config[key_name] = group_data if role_name == 'USER': if not group_data: app.config['USER_IS_UNAUTHENTICATED'] = True else: app.config['USER_IS_UNAUTHENTICATED'] = False