storage_api package

Submodules module

storage_api.conf module

storage_api.conf.load_backend_conf(app, backends_module)[source]

Initialise back-ends into the app app, using the provided module to get back-end classes.


Load the OAuth configuration options from the environment and insert it into the app’s conf dict.

storage_api.conf.set_auth_string(app, role_name)[source]

Read and parse the comma-separated list of groups for a given role from the environment variable $SAPI_ROLE_X_GROUPS into the app configuration key X_GROUPS, as a set.

storage_api.conf.set_oauth_property(app, key_name, default_value=None)[source]

Helper: fetch an OAuth property named PROPRETY_NAME from an environment variable named SAPI_OAUTH_PROPERTY_NAME into a configuration field named OAUTH_PROPERTY_NAME.

Raises KeyError if the variable is not set and no default value was passed.

storage_api.utils module

This file contains various utilities, including this recipe for an ordered set


Compose a set of decorators into one.

Suggested by Jochen Ritzel:

storage_api.utils.dict_without(d, *keys)[source]

Return a dictionary d, ensuring that keys are absent.


Remove items in d that are None.

storage_api.utils.merge_two_dicts(x, y)[source]

Given two dicts, merge them into a new dict as a shallow copy, keeping keys from y if they are already in x


Module contents