Source code for storage_api.utils

This file contains various utilities, including this recipe for an
ordered set

[docs]def dict_without(d, *keys): """ Return a dictionary d, ensuring that keys are absent. """ d2 = d.copy() for key in keys: d2.pop(key) return d2
[docs]def filter_none(d): """ Remove items in d that are None. """ return dict_without(d, *filter(lambda k: d[k] is None, d.keys()))
[docs]def compose_decorators(*decs): """ Compose a set of decorators into one. Suggested by Jochen Ritzel: """ def deco(f): for dec in reversed(decs): f = dec(f) return f return deco
# # Waiting for python 3.5 when we can just do z = {**x, **y}
[docs]def merge_two_dicts(x, y): """ Given two dicts, merge them into a new dict as a shallow copy, keeping keys from y if they are already in x """ z = x.copy() z.update(y) return z
[docs]def pairwise(iterable): return zip(iterable[0::2], iterable[1::2])